Life Balance: Work time, family time, self care time, fun time…. What percentage do you give to each of these categories? Are you staying balanced Mentally, Emotionally, Physically, and Spiritually?
Have you ever been walking along a sidewalk and you begin to lose your balance and you start to fall. What is that feeling you have? Your adrenaline kicks in, you hold your breathe, your stress factors kick in. And it causes that moment of unEASE.
We have the same thing happen in our life. We have 4 areas we need to make sure we have balance. Because if we ignore one of these areas (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual) we are creating moments of unEASE. And this is what leads to development of DIS-EASE.
As a holistic coach, I feel there are 4 really important areas that we must keep balanced. That is our Mental State, our Emotional State, our Physical State and Spiritual State. And if we don’t have these balanced, we create DisEASE in our bodies.
So… what does Mental unbalance look like? Are you Depressed? Do you have trouble finding joy? Are you bored, unchallenged - do you feel like you are not growing? Is your mind scattered without good clarity?
What does Physical imbalance look like? Are you overweight? Undernourished? Fatigued all the time? Are you frequently ill?
What about Emotional imbalance? Are you frustrated more than you like? Are you Anxious all the time, Are you worried more of the time than not?
What about your Spiritual balance? Do you feel like you are not following your soul’s purpose? Do you feel out of alignment with the life you are living?
All these areas - can cause DisEASE. It is so important that we keep these equally balanced. But, we must first become aware and then we must put effort into them.
So… What are some things you can do to help with these unbalanced areas of your life.
Mentally: You are depressed, bored, not growing. Take the initiative to find one thing that inspires you. Pick up that book instead of scroll through FB. Challenge yourself to learn something new. Find one thing you can do to help another individual to help you feel better and not depressed. Change your focus from yourself to someone else. Challenge your mind. Complete a task - feel good about accomplishing it. It doesn’t matter how small the task, the action of doing it, and accomplishing it are proven to be beneficial.
Emotionally: You are anxious, frustrated, worried. Try just 10 minutes of mindfulness each day, try yoga, try breath work, try EFT tapping, journaling. These are proven modalities to help calm the emotional state.
Physically: Overweight, undernourished, fatigued. Begin walking, just 10 minutes a day. Add movement into your life - any form! Dancing, walking, find any opportunity for movement - and make it fun. Watch what you are feeding your cells. Ask yourself, Is this nourishing my cell? We are what we eat. Treat your body like the temple that it is. Eat less sugar, more greens, fruits and colorful items.
Spiritually: Life purpose? Surround yourself with people that build your soul. Find moments that bring you joy. Give of yourself, contribute daily..
There are so many ways that we can nourish and balance these 4 spheres in our life so that we will feel more at EASE and will help prevent DISEASE.
So… Are there areas in your life where you are not in balance? And are there actions in your life you can add to help you achieve that balance to create a life of EASE and good health.
