How often in life do we go through keeping ourselves so busy. We go go go. Always driving for the next thing. Always striving for the next result. We pride ourselves on how busy we are. We drive ourselves to overwhelm, exhaustion, frustration. We lose harmony with what our purpose is. When we run like we do, we don’t leave anytime in our life for space. We feel guilty if we stop and view it as “doing nothing”.
I look at life and Space as if a ladder. What is the purpose of a ladder??? To reach a higher point - To reach a higher destination - To get somewhere we want to be. What are the components of a ladder? There are the rungs. But there also is the SPACE between the rungs. And that is the integral part of the ladder that gives it it’s value. Without the spaces, the rungs would be stacked on top of each other and it would be impossible to climb. It is the SPACES that add value and make the ladder useable. It is the SPACE between the actions that allows us to make progress.
It is taking that moment to not be striving for anything, not be looking for that next reward. It is taking time to just BE. Be present with the moment. Just letting your mind rest. That is creating the space. Enjoy the moment for what it is, not wanting for anything more. Not feeling guilty for just resting. Finding quiet time to be fully content with where you are, what you are feeling, and who you are. Making that time in your day, to just BE.
Can you take just 20 minutes out of your day - to do nothing - but BE. Let the mind rest, be content with everything, breathe into it, and enjoy it. Let your mind rest and gain clarity.
- Try taking a walk, and just fully embrace the beauty.
- Sit with a loved one. Don’t want for anything more, just embrace the moment, no judgements, no desires. Just BE and cherish.
- Try meditating, mindfulness
- Try breathe work. Box breathe - Breathe in for 4 sec. Hold for 4 sec. Exhale for 4 sec. Hold for 4 sec. Repeat.
- Sit outside under a tree - actively listen, smell, feel, and see..
It is important to ADD SPACE into your life. That is where the learning occurs. That is where the harmony comes back into your life. That is where you will be climbing the ladder to reach the goal. In the SPACE that is created - that is where the magic occurs.
The SPACE is where harmony and health will occur..
